• +234 8061340791
  • 7 Chalyz Close, Abacha Road, Mararaba

19+ Years

Association of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (ASWHAN)

ASWHAN is the central coordinating body of all support groups of women living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Our mandate includes, Coordinating, Advocacy, community intervention, resource mobilization and Research and Documentation.

Our program areas are; Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT), Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), Gender and Human Right, Treatment Care and Support, Retention in care, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Counseling and Referral Services, Stigma and Discrimination

  • 1424+

    Support Groups
  • 42,993+


The origin of ASWHAN can be traced back to 2002 when women in the National Network of people living the HIV and AIDS started agitating for greater involvement in decision making and a greater voice for women. This arose out of a perception that the unique needs and issues affecting HIV Positive women were not being adequately addressed which as well denied us of the opportunity to be heard.

Our Vision

 A society where HIV Positive women and children are empowered to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

Our Mission

To promote & facilitate gender equity, access to comprehensive care and support by the involvement of HIV positive women and children in decision-making and programme implementation, through advocacy and capacity building.

Our Coordinating Governance & Mechanisms Structures

ASWHAN serves as the central body of all support groups of women living with HIV in Nigeria. At the apex of ASWHAN organogram is the Delegates Assembly which comprises delegates from the 36 state chapters of ASWHAN and the Federal Capital Teerritory. The Delegates Assembly meets once every three years and takes all major decisions on behalf of the organization, for example, admission of new members into the Board of Trustee, amendment of the constitution, election of new management board and zonal officials, etc.   Next to the Delegates Assembly is the Board of Trustees (BOT) which plays advisory role for the organization’s management.  Next to the Board of Trustees is the management board which comprises of all national officials of the organization.  The national officials are elected at the Delegates Assembly for a term of three years.  The management board coordinates all the activities of the Network, including resource mobilization, approval of policies, workplans, programmes, budgets, timelines and disciplinary matters.

The National Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization, including project design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation The Secretariat comprises of a team of programme and administrative staff, and is headed by the National Coordinator. Apart from the National Coordinator who heads the national secretariat of ASWHAN, there are also Zonal Coordinators and Secretaries in six geopolitical zones in Nigeria who coordinate State Chapters of ASWHAN in their respective zones. The State coordinators are responsible for coordination of activities of support groups in their respective states. The coordinators of support groups are responsible for implementation of activities at the community levels. Such decentralization of roles has made it easy for wider reach of ASWHAN activities and has reduced the workload of the national secretariat.

Our Capacity Statement

The response to the needs of women, young people and other vulnerable groups has, in the recent times, been largely upheld as fundamental if any reasonable feat is to be achieved in fostering sustainable economic and social development of any society. Women, Adolescent, young girls and children have greater health, socio-cultural and economic needs in most parts of the world including Nigeria. Association of women living with HIV and AIDS (ASWHAN) is set to champion the course of women, Adolescent, young people and children with particular focus on empowering them for a healthy and fulfilled life.

ASWHAN works with a gender perspective to acknowledge that women’ and girls’ development and the recognition of their rights as fundamental human rights, including sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), Gender and human right, Stigma and discrimination, PMTCT, and rights to equal opportunity to access available resources and services, are essential for sustainable development. With its primary focus on empowering young women and adolescent girls living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, and children to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

ASWHAN recognizes the need to team efforts on preventing new HIV infections among women and keeping their mothers alive (including female sex workers) and children; preventing HIV re-infection among people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) with particular focus on women and young girls; providing comprehensive care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), women living with HIV and AIDS (WLHIV) including female sex workers, widows and physically challenged Women,  impact mitigation for PLHIV.

Technical Capacity/Work Experience in HIV/AIDS

The response to the needs of women, young people and other vulnerable groups has, in the recent times, been largely upheld as fundamental if any reasonable feat is to be achieved in fostering sustainable economic and social development of any society. Women, Adolescent, young girls and children have greater health, socio-cultural and economic needs in most parts of the world including Nigeria. Association of women living with HIV and AIDS (ASWHAN) is set to champion the course of women, Adolescent, young people and children with particular focus on empowering them for a healthy and fulfilled life.

Since inception, ASWHAN has been working with a gender perspective to acknowledge that women’ and girls’ development and the recognition of their rights as fundamental human rights, including sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), Gender and human right, Stigma and discrimination, PMTCT, and rights to equal opportunity to access available resources and services, are essential for sustainable development. With its primary focus on empowering young women and adolescent girls living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, and children to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

ASWHAN recognizes the need to team efforts on preventing new HIV infections among women and keeping their mothers alive (including female sex workers) and children; preventing HIV re-infection among people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) with particular focus on women and young girls; providing comprehensive care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), women living with HIV and AIDS (WLHIV) including female sex workers, widows and physically challenged Women,  impact mitigation for PLHIV.

Our Partners