Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT/eMTCT)
In HIV prevention, ASWHAN works with the goal of improving access to HIV&AIDS Prevention services among vulnerable groups especially, women of child bears age, Young women, Female sex workers and children through an integrated approach to HIV, Sexual & reproductive health (SRH) using PMTCT as an entry point. Over the past Twelve years, ASWHAN has received grants and technical support from Government and development agencies (both local and international), such as United Nations Populations Funds (UNFPA), National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN), UNAIDS, UN Women, UNDP and Christian Aid, through quality partnerships and collaborations to create demand for uptake of PMTCT services especially in prongs 1, 2 and 3.
Over the years, ASWHAN has worked in partnership with NACA in mobilizing women of child-bearing age from their respective communities to access Antenatal Care (ANC) and PMTCT services at six selected Global Fund sites (one secondary and five primary facilities) and community support services in six selected communities. In achieving the project’s objectives, ASWHAN trained and engaged 30 selected HIV-positive women as role models for creating awareness, mobilizing and linking HIV-positive pregnant mothers to access ANC/PMTCT as well as providing them with required counseling support services.
The role models who are also known as mentor mothers are selected HIV-positive mothers who have previously and successfully undergone PMTCT services and who are willing to use their success stories in PMTCT to mobilize and retain more HIV-positive pregnant women in PMTCT. Through the project intervention, an approximate of 1,200 HIV pregnant mothers have so far successfully accessed ANC/PMTCT services in the selected PMTCT sites.
In the recent times, ASWHAN works in collaboration with UNFPA to create awareness sensitize men and women including people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Benue, Kaduna and Cross Rivers States for uptake of PMTCT services especially in prongs 1 and 2. To achieve the objectives of the program, ASWHAN engaged selected key community stakeholders including PLHIV, health workers, community leaders and the media as PMTCT champions. So far, ASWAHN in collaboration with and technical/funding support from UNFPA has trained 300 champions in taking up required advocacy, community sensitization and social mobilization.